25150 Ford Rd. Suite 240, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 25150 Ford Rd. Suite 240, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

The Ideal Candidate for a Breast Lift

Published on February 2, 2017

A breast lift focuses on correcting any breast sagging in order to give the breasts a perkier and tighter appearance and a firmer feel. This procedure is incredibly effective at treating this unfortunate effect of the aging process. It can also involve resizing/reshaping of the areolae.

In general, the ideal candidate for a breast lift is anyone who is unsatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. This can include those with stretched breast skin, enlarged areolae, elongated or low-hanging breasts, and downward-pointed nipples.

If you are experiencing one or more of these issues with your breasts, then contact us to schedule a consultation for your breast lift procedure with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ian Lytle. Dr. Lytle will help to restore the natural beauty of your breasts.